The lives of two women, generations apart, converge in this novel of love, mystery, memories, and secrets.SpringHouse, Mary Ellen Taylor

Ready to return to Cape Hudson?  It’s one of my favorite places in my home state so I’m always ready to go, even when I get there by sitting down at my computer to reunite with the folks who live there and share their stories. Just

a few months from now we’ll all, I hope, be there together getting reacquainted with the folks we met in Winter Cottage. That includes historian Megan Buchanan, who you may recall brought a pie to Winter House as part of her bid to oversee renovations there. Now pregnant and alone, Megan is nonetheless forging ahead with a dream project, restoring the landmark hunting lodge her great-great-grandfather built.  However, it’s Spring House, the caretaker’s cottage on the grounds that is most intriguing for her.  Find out why in July when that and other buried secrets emerge from the past.

Now available for pre-order.


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